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My Tears Shall Awaken You

My Tears Shall Awaken You

by JOSEPH BRYANT (Italian Stallion)

My tears shall awaken you,
Upon this glimmering starlight night.
Our journeys together have been wonderful,
As you’ve showed me the way to love and care.

Sitting here with you on such an excellent night,
Pondering whether or not my tears will show.
Our love for one another is so simply pure,
These tears are a symbol of my feelings towards you.

You make me happy, sometimes sad too,
But throughout our journeys we’ve mended as one.
These tears that flow freely down my cheeks,
Hope they awaken you from deep within.

My feelings are true, but I’m sure you knew,
My love for you will always be, till eternity.
These tears I cry, are tears of happiness,
For you, my love, light up my world.


© Copyright 2007 By: Italian Stallion

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